All products have a 30 day return policy. The time starts the day your order is delivered. Returns and exchanges must be in the product's original condition and packaging (not worn or washed).
To return/exchange product, please provide your receipt of purchase. Shipping charge(s) will be applied as follows:
Customer mistake (Ex: order the wrong shirt) - customer pays for shipping
Company mistake (Ex: ships the wrong shirt) - company pays for shipping
REFUNDS (if applicable)
In the unfortunate event that a refund is needed, a refund will be processed upon receipt and inspection of returned item(s). The results of the inspection will be sent to you via email.
Refunds will be made in the original form of payment. Note: This policy excludes any items that are marked as sale items.
To return your product, please mail to the following address:
P.O. Box 2108
Cedar Hill, TX 75106